Storage Facility Illumination




  • Chad Oknob

    Awesome interactive effect! I would note that you want to place the led chip to the front-right side of the metal piece underside. I first placed it centered with the scoop-hole recessed a little, and it stopped the ball from dropping in the scoop when coming down the ramp. I went to reposition it and had to cut a new piece of dbl sided tape. I then put it at the front center flush instead of recessed under the metal piece, but then the ball hit it every time it shot out of the scoop and sent the ball in a weird direction. So I repositioned it again and had to cut a new piece of dbl sided tape again, and the front far right works perfect! It actually centers the red light better on the scoop and doesn't get in the way of the ball anymore at all. Great Addition. 

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  • Kristin Browning-Mezel

    Thank you for the feedback and the tips- helpful to have user suggestions on how to improve the installations!

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