Pinball machines have high voltages which can cause DANGER TO LIFE AND LIMB. TURN POWER OFF and UNPLUG PINBALL MACHINE prior to installation. Pinball machines are high voltage and can cause electrical shock.
SAFETY GLASSES are also recommended while working with or installing pinball parts.
Please follow these safety instructions as well as all installation instructions. Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage to the pinball machine, accessory or other parts. Please see our Disclaimer for associated risks and responsibilities (Section 13 in our Terms of Service) prior to installation.
Images included in these instructions are of an installed prototype and may vary from your product slightly.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the proper installation of this part, please contact us for assistance.
When removing screws from the playfield, reinstall by first turning them counter-clockwise to match the original groove in order to respect the integrity of the playfield wood.
Votre mission va être de placer les 3 capuchons de bumper de couleur Ambre ainsi que les 3 inserts que vous apercevez sur ce9e photo. Il vous faudra également remplacer les 6 vis fournies dans le kit car celles d’origine ne seront pas assez longues. 2 par bumper
Your mission will be to place the 3 Amber colored bumper caps as well as the 3 inserts that you see in this photo. You will also need to replace the 6 screws provided in the kit because the original ones will not be long enough. 2 per bumper
Etape 1 : Pour placer les 3 capuchons de bumpers fournis dans le kit vous devez démonter la rampe hélicoïdale qui se situe au-dessus des bumpers. Un des trois bumpers est accessible sans déplacement de ce9e rampe, mais les autres ne malheureusement pas accessibles. Pour cela vous avez une vis à défaire qui se situe à l’emplacement décrit sur ce9e photo (Voir flèche blanche)
Step 1: To place the 3 bumper caps provided in the kit, you must remove the helical ramp which is located above the bumpers. One of the three bumpers is accessible without moving this ramp, but the others are unfortunately not accessible. For this you have to undo a screw which is located at the locaWon described in this photo (See white arrow)
Etape 2 : Soulever votre plateau. Au dessous vous trouverez deux écrous qui mainWennent ce9e rampe hélicoidale. Ils sont cerclés en rouge sur l’image suivante
Step 2: LiZ your playfield. Below you will find two nuts that hold this helical ramp. They are circled in red on the following image
Dévisser ces deux écrous. Votre rampe hélicoidale est maintenant démontée. Redescendez votre plateau et vous pouvez décaler votre rampe afin de pouvoir accéder au six vis des trois bumpers
Unscrew these two nuts. Your helical ramp is now disassembled. Go back down your playfield and you can shiZ your ramp so you can access the six screws of the three bumpers
Etape 3 : Démonter les trois plasWques que vous apercevez sur ce9e photo en dévissant les six vis Step 3: Remove the three plasWcs that you see in this photo by unscrewing the six screws
Vous avez ainsi trois plasWques de démontés avec leur deux peWtes vis qui ne seront pas réuWlisables You thus have three plasWcs disassembled with their two small screws that will not be reusable.
Etape 4 : Placez alors les trois inserts dans les trois bumpers Step 4: Then place the three inserts in the three bumpers.
Etape 5 : Et reme9ez chaque capuchon de bumper en uWlisant deux vis longues par bumper qui ont été fournies dans le kit
Step 5: And rea9ach each bumper cap using two long screws per bumper which were provided in the kit.
Etape 6 : Reme9ez en place votre rampe helicoidale. Step 6: Replace your helical ramp.
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