Each Bearcade item comes with a QR code. Scan the QR code to see how to install each item. If you are unable to scan the QR code, instructions can be found on this page for all Bearcade items.
1. Remove flag from packaging.
2. Either glue or tape flag behind the plastic houses in the back left corner of the machine or place flag on posts above the drop targets.
- Jaws Life Ring.
1. Remove lockdown bar from the machine and remove pinball glass so it doesn't slide off the machine.
2. Take a set of channellock Tongue and Groove Pliers and unscrew the silver bracket holding the action button on the lockdown bar.
3. On the lockdown bar and on the bottom of the life ring is a guide. Place life ring into the grove on the lockdown bar.
4. once the life ring has been added, then place the button into the life ring and then rescrew the action button into place.
- Jaws Buoy
1. Remove the lockdown bar and remove the glass from the machine. Place the glass in a secure location so that it doesn't break.
2. Underneath Quint's shack is a nut that holds the back left plastic in place. The nut is circled in the image below. Remove this nut and place in a secure location.
3. Place Buoy on screw post and reattach nut to the location.
- Jaws Dive Light.
Check out the video that was made by Bearcade on how to install either version of the Dive Light's!
4. ORCA Upgrade.
A pdf for the install instructions can be found at the bottom of this page.
5. ORCA Lamp.
A pdf for the install instructions can be found at the bottom of this page.
6. Beach Closed Sign.
A pdf for the install instructions can be found at the bottom of this page.
7. Wave
A pdf for the install instructions can be found at the bottom of this page.
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