These instructions are applicable to the following products:
Pinball machines have high voltages which can cause DANGER TO LIFE AND LIMB. TURN POWER OFF and UNPLUG PINBALL MACHINE prior to installation. Pinball machines are high voltage and can cause electrical shock.
SAFETY GLASSES are also recommended while working with or installing pinball parts.
Please follow these safety instructions as well as all installation instructions. Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage to the pinball machine, accessory or other parts. Please see our Disclaimer for associated risks and responsibilities (Section 13 in our Terms of Service) prior to installation.
Images included in these instructions are of an installed prototype and may vary from your product slightly.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the proper installation of this part, please contact us for assistance.
When removing screws from the playfield, reinstall by first turning them counter-clockwise to match the original groove in order to respect the integrity of the playfield wood.
While each game and topper will differ the basic instructions can be modified to fit your game.
For the purposes of these instructions, we are showing how to install the backboard illumination on a Spike 2 System machine and on a Metallica Remastered.
- Turn off the power, remove the glass from the game. Slide the playfield onto the service rails so you can access the bottom of the backbox.
- In this case, lower the LCD panel down into the service position, as seen in the image below. For games that don't have the LCD and have a DMD or alpha numeric display, the same applies, albeit it will look different.
- Locate the power board for your machine. Each game has a different location for their power board. Listed below are instruction on where the power tap provided should be attached.
- Spike 2 Power Adapter
- Spike 1 Power Adapter
- SAM/Stern Power Adapter
- WPC Power Adapter
- WPC95 Power Adapter
- Pinball Brothers Power Adapter (see this article for additional Alien installation information)
- JJP Power Adapter
- Chicago Coin Power Adapter
- Next, connect the DC to Molex connect that has also been provided to the power tap. The image below provides an example of this connection on a Spike 2 game.
- Next attach the black barrel plug harness to the RGB controller.
Before you attach the LEDs to the game, we recommend fully installing the power in order to test the illumination to ensure placement maximizes preferred lighting effect. Connect the RGB controller to the LED strip so that the black wire is in line with the arrow on the connector.
An image has been provided with how to test the strip with the game on. - After you are done testing the strip, power off the game and then unplug the LED strip.
- Locate the wooden runner (long narrow piece of wood that runs under the backbox above where the glass slides in).
- Run the LED Strip down through the holes for the wiring harness. An image has been provided showing where the holes are.
- When you are satisfied with the position using our testing procedure, attach the LED strip to the bottom side of the backbox by removing the adhesive on the back of the strip. Reattach the LED strip to the controller.
- Lower the playfield back into the game and open the backbox.
Determine an appropriate mounting point for the RGB controller. Note that the IR sensor must have line of site with the remote for successful operation. The photos show two options for mounting. Utilize the adhesive provided to attach the RGB controller inside the backbox
Option 1 -- Click to Expand
Mount on right side of backbox, feeding IR sensor through backbox.
Option 2 -- Click to Expand
Mount in backbox, feeding IR sensor through openings in back of backbox. - Power on game and utilize remote control to change lighting effects and colors. Installation is complete!
- Turn on your games power and test the LED strip to ensure functionality. See image below for a recommended approach.
- Position the LED on either the bottom side of the wooden piece (so light points downward onto the playfield) or on the side perpendicular to the backbox (so the strip shines directly on the back panel) to see your preferred lighting placement.
- Note: you may want to remove some of the GI bulbs in the backboard to achieve the best lighting effect.
- Test different modes on the LED controller. Determine which position provides the desired effect. If the light is not immediately powering on, please push the speed button to turn on the controller.
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